
This document describes the authentication scheme used in API endpoints that require it.

The authentication scheme used is based on HMAC, and follows a scheme similar to that of AWS.

You will get your ACCESS_ID and SECRET_KEY from your point of contact at Balance.

How it works

1. Create a canonical string for your request:

canonical_string = "#{http_method},#{content_type},#{request_uri},#{data_hash},#{timestamp}"


  • http_method is an upper case version of the full HTTP method. Supported methods for this API are: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE

  • content_type is a copy of the Content-Type header. For this API, set this to application/json.

  • request_uri is the URI of the request. Do not include query params. For example: /api/v1/wallets

  • data_hash is a SHA-256 hash of the request body, encoded as a HEX string. If the body field is empty, leave this field as an empty string. For example, if the body is the following string: {"name": "foobar"}, the data_hash field should be set to: e684679449a32cb2477110ce15b02eace29dbfc89b9f8597a90d5702d5f60695

  • timestamp is a UNIX timestamp equivalent of the Date header. E.g. 1561661184 (equivalent to Thu, 27 Jun 2019 18:46:24 GMT). Note that if this date is more than 15 minutes behind or ahead of the server's current date, the request will be rejected.

2. Create a signature

The signature is a SHA-256 based HMAC signature, keyed on the SECRET_KEY provided to you by Balance. The signature must be HEX-encoded.

An example of this code in Ruby would be:

signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest("SHA256", SECRET_KEY, canonical_string).unpack("H*").first

3. Add headers to your request

Your request now requires the following headers:

  • Content-Type - this header should always be set to application/json for this API

  • Date - current date (see

  • Authorization - should be constructed in the following way: BalanceAPIAuth #{ACCESS_ID}:#{signature}


For each example, assume that your authentication credentials are:


And the timestamp is the following:

Thu, 27 Jun 2019 18:46:24 GMT

which is equivalent to a UNIX epoch timestamp of:


POST request with data:

The following is a valid curl POST request:

curl -XPOST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 18:46:24 GMT" \
     -H "Authorization: BalanceAPIAuth eSKzYGehz5s8R9QJ3:c3b2f03bb3334ea9a81c0fb1ae3d610a253cebe9b9b4bac62e404a245cf3363d" \
     -d '{"name": "foo", "description": "bar"}' \

Note that this should produce the following canonical_string:


GET request without data:

The following is a valid curl GET request:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 18:46:24 GMT" \
     -H "Authorization: BalanceAPIAuth eSKzYGehz5s8R9QJ3:05c8fc86fa0568ec05412caab4327e3a7baf78f288832a53bc54cf168a15d3f8" \

Note that this should produce the following canonical_string:


Last updated