
This document describes the API endpoints that are available to the clients of Balance who have been whitelisted for programmatic access to their Warm Wallets.

Supported Assets

See Wallet API docs.


You will receive your warm wallet integration URL from your point of contact at Balance, and will look like:


Due to the nature of the information exposed, every endpoint in this API requires authentication.

For more information on authentication go to Authentication Docs.

API Endpoints

For brevity, the curl examples below do not include headers. See the Authentication Docs for required headers.

Response data is for example purposes only and does not represent real accounts.

POST /api/v2/send_batch_now

Executes a batch withdrawal immediately. Returns an error if any part of the batch withdrawal process halts with an error, and returns a successful response with transaction metadata if the withdrawal gets successfully broadcast to the associated blockchain network.

Batch withdrawals are only possible from a single source wallet for a single asset into one or more destinations. You cannot specify multiple source wallets for a batch withdrawal.

Accepted parameters:

Accepts the following parameters as JSON-encoded POST request body. Must specify the Content-Type: application/json header with the request.


Required. Integer. ID of the wallet from which the funds are to be withdrawn.


Required. String. Lowercase asset to be transferred.

Currently only the following assets are supported for this API call:

  • btc - Bitcoin

  • bch - Bitcoin Cash ABC

  • dash - Dash

  • ltc - Litecoin


Required. Array of destination objects specifying the destination and amount of funds to send.

A destination object is polymorphic and has the following fields:

  • amount - string-encoded integer; Specifies the withdrawal amount to be sent to this destination. Must be specified in the smallest denomination of a given asset possible. For example, must be specified in Satoshis for btc.

  • type - string; can be one of the following values: wallet, external_account, public_address

  • id - integer; specifies the ID of a wallet or external_account within your Balance Custody account. Can NOT be used with public_address type.

  • public_address - string; specifies the public address where the funds are to be sent. Can ONLY be used with public_address type.


The following example will create a batch transaction out of Wallet 3 to the following destinations:

  • 0.1 BTC to a Balance Wallet with ID 10

  • 0.02 BTC to a Balance External Account with ID 33

  • 10.12 BTC to a Bitcoin public address mztPG6nBar1mZ5J7T619iCuFP9SB5G9j5W

Example request body:

  "source_wallet_id": 3,
  "asset": "btc",
  "destinations": [
      "type": "wallet",
      "id": 10,
      "amount": "10000000"
      "type": "external_account",
      "id": 33,
      "amount": "2000000"
      "type": "public_address",
      "public_address": "mztPG6nBar1mZ5J7T619iCuFP9SB5G9j5W",
      "amount": "1012000000"

Example curl command:

curl -XPOST \
     -d '{"source_wallet_id":3,"asset":"btc","destinations":[{"type":"wallet","id":10,"amount":"10000000"},{"type":"external_account","id":33,"amount":"2000000"},{"type":"public_address","public_address":"mztPG6nBar1mZ5J7T619iCuFP9SB5G9j5W","amount":"1012000000"}]}' \

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