
This document describes the API endpoints that are available to the clients of Balance who have been whitelisted for programmatic access to their Warm Wallets.


You will receive your warm wallet integration URL from your point of contact at Balance, and will look like:


Due to the nature of the information exposed, every endpoint in this API requires authentication.

For more information on authentication go to Authentication Docs.

API Endpoints

For brevity, the curl examples below do not include headers. See the Authentication Docs for required headers.

Response data is for example purposes only and does not represent real accounts.

POST /api/v2/staking/transactions

Creates a staking transaction for a given asset.

Note that this API is only supported if your account is configured for staking to a provider with established API credentials and configuration such as Attestant.

Accepted parameters:

Accepts the following parameters as JSON-encoded POST request body. Must specify the Content-Type: application/json header with the request.


Required. String. Lowercase asset to be transferred.

Currently only the following assets are supported for this API call:

  • eth - Ethereum


Required. String. Specifies the amount to be staked, in base unit (e.g. wei). Currently only supports the following value: "32000000000000000000" (i.e. equal to 32 ETH).


Required. Integer. ID of the wallet from which the funds are to be withdrawn.


Required. Integer. This must be the ID of the ETH staking contract external account that is configured for your instance by Balance. Note that the default beneficiary entity needs to be set on this external account.


Required. Integer. ID of the wallet where staking rewards are to be sent. Can be a warm or offline wallet ID or an external account ID.


Optional. String or integer. Specifies the fee rate or preset. Valid values are:

  • slow - we recommend specifying this if you're ok with waiting for hours / days for your transaction to be included in a block, or potentially be dropped out of the mempool during periods of high congestion.

  • medium - recommeneded preset, your transaction should be included in the next block in most cases

  • fast - we recommend using this if you want to ensure your transaction is included in the next block during periods of high congestion.

You can also specify a fee rate, in the fee rate unit. In the case of ETH that unit is gwei. Our backend will perform additional validation on this value to ensure it is within reasonable bounds.


Optional. String (max 256 characters). Specifies the Group ID with which an Attestant validator is to be configured.


Optional. String. Any notes for your own records. These have no effect on the on-chain transactions.


Requred if travel rule is applicable. An object of type Originator Entity.

Response Format:

The response format is the standard Transaction struct, which can be found in GET /api/v1/transactions/:id.

Once the transaction has been generated and broadcast (after all applicable approvals and checks are done), you will receive the following fields from the GET /api/v1/transactions/:id API call, that are specific to the staking transactions:


A wallet struct (definition can be found in the GET /api/v1/wallets/:id API call) specifying the wallet where ETH staking rewards will be deposited.


The public key of the validator once it has been allocated. Note that this field will not be immediately available until the transaction has been approved, validator has been allocated and transaction has been generated. We suggest polling the GET /api/v1/transactions/:id API call to look for this field.


Example request body:

  "asset": "eth",
  "amount": "32000000000000000000",
  "source_wallet_id": 1,
  "destination_id": 2,
  "withdrawal_wallet_id": 3

Example request body with group ID:

  "asset": "eth",
  "amount": "32000000000000000000",
  "source_wallet_id": 1,
  "destination_id": 2,
  "withdrawal_wallet_id": 3,
  "group_id": "foobar"

Example request body with custom fee preset:

  "asset": "eth",
  "amount": "32000000000000000000",
  "source_wallet_id": 1,
  "destination_id": 2,
  "withdrawal_wallet_id": 3,
  "fee": "fast"

Example request body with custom fee rate of 15 Gwei and notes:

  "asset": "eth",
  "amount": "32000000000000000000",
  "source_wallet_id": 1,
  "destination_id": 2,
  "withdrawal_wallet_id": 3,
  "fee": 15,
  "notes": "foo bar"

Example response body:

    "amounts": { "eth": 32.0 },
    "beneficiary_entities": [],
    "beneficiary_entity": {},
    "block": { "eth": 8014743 },
    "cad_rates": { "eth": 1594.09107 },
    "completed_at": "2022-11-25T01:57:27.000Z",
    "created_at": "2022-11-25T01:57:20.000Z",
    "destination": {
        "addresses": { "eth": "0xff50ed3d0ec03ac01d4c79aad74928bff48a7b2b" },
        "custom_id": "eth2-deposit-contract",
        "description": "An executed Staking Service Agreement with the provider as well as the appointment of Balance as an Authorized Person under the agreement are needed as prerequisites.",
        "id": 193,
        "name": "ETH Staking Service Provider",
        "type": "external_account"
    "fee_units": { "eth": "gwei" },
    "fees": { "eth": 0.00000124812567414 },
    "id": 6299,
    "is_batched": false,
    "notes": "32 ETH to be staked with ETH Staking Service Provider with the withdrawal account set to Test Withdrawal Wallet at 0x58aCD2a994C8F20095b53b682d6dba0907E6Ec0B",
    "originator_entity": {},
    "regulatory_status": "completed",
    "requested_by": "Satoshi Nakamoto",
    "source": {
        "balance": { "eth": 38.1919651569535 },
        "custom_id": "Operating Wallet ID",
        "description": "",
        "funding_addresses": { "eth": "0x0CDE25dB916Bf4fef6BeFE384c69294515f2819E" },
        "id": 3,
        "kind": "warm",
        "name": "Operations Wallet",
        "type": "wallet"
    "status": "completed",
    "transaction_ids": [{
        "currency": "eth",
        "transaction_id": "0xd5d67ced79b816bd7a8418df1603c5b74c0177a1ab5584a87767bd943a6c4695"
    "type": "transaction",
    "validator_pubkey": "0xaae1e03655adef16d1d685050f329c920f08d9acc62a26d86be5384c2e2dd91d46b84eee7f12e721e93bfdcb3571ecb8",
    "withdrawal_wallet": {
        "balance": { "eth": 0.418593319 },
        "custom_id": "test-withdrawal-wallet",
        "description": "",
        "funding_addresses": { "eth": "0x58aCD2a994C8F20095b53b682d6dba0907E6Ec0B" },
        "id": 1259,
        "kind": "warm",
        "name": "Test Withdrawal Wallet",
        "type": "wallet"

Example curl command:

curl -XPOST \
     -d '{"asset":"eth","amount":"32000000000000000000","source_wallet_id":1,"destination_id":2,"withdrawal_wallet_id":3}' \

POST /api/v2/staking/eth/validators/:validator_pubkey/exits

Exits the validator with the given pubkey.

Note that this API is only supported if your account is configured for staking to a provider with established API credentials and configuration such as Attestant.

Accepted parameters:


Response Format:

Upon success you will receive a 200 response code, with no body.


Example curl command:

curl -XPOST \

Last updated